Lavender is an economically important medicinal herb whose growth is restricted to North Africa and Mediterranean peaks. Its role in treatment of different medical conditions has been demonstrated but some of its medicinal properties although claimed by people aren’t scientifically demonstrated yet. Therefore it is not recommended to make use of lavender oil without consulting your personal practitioner.
The extracted oils from lavender are safe to be used as antiseptic and anti-inflammatory oils to treat cuts, burns and bites. Besides that, lavender extract can be used to treat several medical issues that have puzzled scientists for years such as insomnia, depression, and anxiety.
The use of lavender for making tea can also aid in relieving some of the digestive problems like upset stomach, nausea, vomiting, swelling, etc. Not only does lavender help in resolving digestive problems, it can also help us in getting rid of different types of pains such as pain due to headache, pain due to toothache, etc. The use of lavender in treating hair loss has also been suggested. Lavender oil can be applied to skin to treat different skin related issues. Due to its chemical nature, it also has the ability to ward off viruses which can get transmitted via air.