Author: joyce

How to Treat Toothache At Home

Toothaches are very painful and come to you anytime as they please irrespective of day and night. Toothaches can be real trouble makers as night becau


How to Treat Constipation At Home

Constipation is often treated by people as a minor issue because it is a cosmopolitan problem but that’s not a good thing to do. Constipation may lead



If you’ve ever watched “Popeye the Sailor” cartoon show, you already know how powerful a meal of spinach can be. Spinach is a herb with dark green col



The health benefits of garlic were discovered by the Greek’s a long time ago. Hippocrates often used to treat his patients suffering from a variety of


It’s Time To Say Goodbye To Diabetes

Diabetes has become a serious medical condition next to cancer and heart diseases. Although many people take diabetes for granted but it is not someth


Natural Health Remedies: Life Saving Herbs and Spices

There are thousands of health benefits that can be obtained through herbs. Herbs have been used as a medicinal healing or health maintenance tool for centuries. If you are hoping to improve and maintain your […]


The Herbs That Aid in Weight Loss

Nature has created everything for a reason and indeed the cure to all the ailments is in natural diversity. Herbs are a blessing to humankind, their e


The Herbs That Aid in Healing Process

When the synthetic medicines were undiscovered, what did the ancient people use to cure their wounds, cuts and burns? They didn’t get healed automatic



Ginger can be referred to as the king of herbs considering its level of usage all over the globe especially in Asian continent such as India. The use



Lavender is an economically important medicinal herb whose growth is restricted to North Africa and Mediterranean peaks. Its role in treatment of diff
